
Max Azria 2012 spring vacation series

Elijah saw Ards Max  2012 early spring vacation series of women's images, even completely not interested in sports people will probably want to follow the moving hands and feet, jumping a few bar. Super simple and practical and very sporty with the design, so Max Ards Australia  2012 early spring vacation series of Women is full of dynamic, apple green, light blue, sour orange, watermelon red printing coupled with the ice cracks, Such as the dolphin fruit sugar, distribute attractive energy.

Exposed shoulders wearing large sweaters stacked asymmetrical cut dresses, high slits orange T-shirt collars, dress, all the body's dynamic show with the casual, natural sexy, extremely thin and light chiffon and soft silk Dynamic clothing fabrics let more intense. With shoes, shorts, with a shape as when you first see a little "tomboy"feeling, but a closer look will find that the waist folds, layers of clothing hem are added for the design sense of the soft rich detail, has played a Good balance effect. Sporty knitwear mix chiffon dress, suit + dress shoes with the shape, because the color of the uniform and adequate harmony.

